I’ll be out of the shop January 7th through the 21st teaching classes and ghost hunting in New Orleans and spending time with my husband when I get back before he leaves for work. Premade orders will go out as soon as I get back. Orders to be made will go out as soon as they are done. Hopefully before the end of the month.
The Wolf Moon
January 25: Wolf Moon
January's full moon is named after the howling of hungry wolves lamenting the scarcity of food in midwinter. Other names for this month's full moon include old moon and ice moon.
Wolf Moon Ritual
Feel the energy of the moon shining down on you. Visualize a silver/white, glittery swirling energy coming down from the moon and filling you with that energy until your whole body feels like it’s glowing.
Brew yourself a cup of tea. Anoint your candle with your oil. Light your candle. Say:
Dear beautiful wolf moon
I feel the hunger for something new
In this time of wolves and cold
I thank you
My guide in the dark
Illuminating my path and energizing me
I feel my power growing
I am witch, I decree
Dear beautiful wolf moon
I will survive and I will succeed
In this time of wolves and cold
I thank you
So mote it be.
Go and do something creative. Bake, paint, organize your calendar. Whatever is creative for you. Do so until you are tired and it’s time to go to bed. Make sure your candle is out.